Ryan Herbert
Loves life, his wife,family, & friends. Always loving & learning from people. This father of four boys has been guiding in the industry since 02' From Alaska to Florida.Truly passionate about teaching the arts of fly fishing in both freshwater & Salt. It’s all about the progression, growth & being on the water gaining the experiences. Ryan loves his job.
Guide Contact Info:
Email: yampavalleyanglers@gmail or [email protected]
Cell Phone: (970) 819-4376
Facebook: Ryan Herbert
Instagram: rherbertyva & yampavalleyanglers

Tim Drummond
Colorado born(The Stillwater Master) and all around great guide and person.Tim is very dedicated to fly fishing and catching big trout. Always making people around him better anglers. Tim is a professional that is Committed,Dedicated, Passionate and will put you on fish.
Guides Contact Info:
Email: [email protected]​
Cell Phone: (970) 376-5243
Facebook: Tim Drummond
Instagram: @point_fly

Michael Radford
Michael has a passion for everything outdoors. An avid fly-fisherman and fly tyer, Michael spends most of his time in the wilderness, enjoying great fishing in all of Northwest Colorado's great fisheries.
Michael enjoys working with people that are new to the sport, and he looks forward to helping people learn the basics of fly-fishing and casting, as well as the more technical aspects of the specific hatch variations of these beautiful still-waters, rivers, and creeks. Eager to share his knowledge and passion for fishing and the outdoors.
Email: [email protected]
Cell: (970) 846-2154
Facebook: Micheal Radford

Greysen Lincoln
Greysen is highly motivated and very skilled oarsman. Starting his guide career when he was 18 in the Gunnison Valley. From fresh to salt, Grey Is well traveled and has got a lot of experience on some amazing rivers & stillwaters so far in his life and guiding career. Personable and lot of fun to fish with you will definitely learn something from him as well. We are grateful to have him and I guarantee you will enjoy your time spent with him.
Email: [email protected]
Cell Phone: (720) 340-6353
Instagram: @Wadethewest

Jake MCkillip
Jake grew up as a military brat bouncing around from place to place fishing in all sorts of different places with many different tactics and different types of fish. He is very laid back, adventurous, and extremely passionate about fly fishing and having a great experience outdoors!
Guides Contact Info:
Email: [email protected]
Cell: (803) 549-0166
Facebook: Jake Mckillip
Instagram: @jippyhake

Ben Kowalewski
Ben has been guiding and leading people outdoors for a number of years and is excited to take you fishing! He moved to Colorado to guide dog sledding trips for a local company and stayed to fish in the Yampa Valley. Ben loves a good adventure and teaching his passion.
Phone: (724) 953-6922
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @ben_kowalewsk